Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Goozchix Ep 1 - From the Shadows Like a Ninja

This is the official first episode of the Goozchix featuring hosts Zenverse and Ghostworld as recorded on November 6, 2011

It's been more than a year since we last recorded a podcast, but now we're back! As it has been a while, it seems we have forgotten how to start and end the podcast, and I had to relearn how to edit in Audacity and upload the podcast again, but it will come back to us in time!

In this episode we discuss what we've been up to lately, games we are currently playing like DCUO and Uncharted, other games we're looking forward to, and share exciting Portal related news! We also go into the A-Z movie challenge that we're currently doing and discuss upcoming PS + deals.

Goozchix Ep 1 - From the Shadows Like a Ninja, Run time: 53:05 -  MP3 48.6 mb, OGG 14.7 mb

Opening and Ending Music:
"The Mario and Zelda Ragtime"
Author: shermannetti
Newgrounds Link: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/57507